Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 1. A Valuable Week in the IAI Stunners Gym

Our spring and summer season has begun.  We have already had two nights of skill work.  There is no doubt we have a great group of kids from great families ready to work hard to improve their game and themselves.

Our Stunners theme this week is values and how important positive strong values are in everyday life, and then how they relate to a sport like basketball.  We begin by emphasising important values in life like God, family, and community and how feeling a close relationship with each is quite important.  We discuss the characteristics of values like how they rarely change, they are always positive, and are reflected in their dreams and goals in life.  Lastly, we emphasise how important it is to choose friends that have similar values and recognize that the friends they have now may change as they grow older. Unfortunately it is true some friends suddenly begin to make bad choices.  Our kids must be strong enough to say no.   As a result Stunners stress it is always important to diversify.  Have many friends.

In basketball our Stunners values we stress are; 1. To fight to win.  2.  To always work hard. 3. Teamwork. 4. Good Sportsmanship. 5. Building relationships 6. Being Thankful. 

1.Stunners want to fight hard to win every game but understand there are no guarantees. 
2.The Stunners answer to everything is to work hard.  If we win a game we come back to the gym and work hard.  If we lose a game we come back to the gym and work hard. 
3. Stunners value teamwork.  We empower the individul with confidence and skill which will then improve the team.  Yet this is not like playing video games alone in your room.  This is a team sport.  We emphasise encouraging your teammates every moment you get. 
4.  Stunners are good sportsmen .. or sportsshe/he-men or sportswomen or something like that.  We understand that youth sports is a very imperfect thing.  People make mistakes.  Stunners make mistakes.  Officials, coaches, parents, scorekeepers make mistakes.  The hotdog maker will mess up.  We don't overreact.  We respect that and fight hard to overcome it.
5. Stunners build relationships.  We build relationships with each other and with others.  Its okay to like someone but want to kick their butt out on the court.  Its okay to dislike someone and want to kick their butt out on the court. 
6.  Stunners are thankful.  We ask our kids to thank their parents or whoever takes care of them after each practice or event and tell them you love them.   It is stressed that someone close to them is working hard to provide great opportunity.  A thank you will go a long way.

Next week we will take the next step and talk about the power of dreaming. 

And oh, by the way, the kids are working their butts off out on the court. 

Go Stunners!


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